Polymer Circle Shaped


Designed by  Just Stickers
SKU: JSSTIC176 Categories: , , , , Tags: , , , ,

Web Components usher in a new era of web development based on encapsulated and interoperable custom elements that extend HTML itself. Polymer makes it easier and faster to create anything from a button to a complete application across desktop, mobile, and beyond. We support Polymer a lot and believe that this is going to be the future. If you do too, then having this Polymer Shape Cut sticker is just like supporting a bright future!

Product Description

Did You Know?

Poylmer makes use of material design to create really intuitive interfaces, with out of this world animations.

Size Info

All the stickers are printed on a special Juststickers Reusable Material using a high precision printer. This makes the stickers reusable upto 99 times* and they do not leave any residue or stain on removal. All our stickers have a premium matte lamination layer on top to ensure a long lasting print quality. All our stickers are water proof.

Sticker Type Dimensions (inches) Finish
Juststickers Reusable Sticker Fits within a 3" x 3" area. Height and width depends on the aspect ratio. Matte

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